Prompt Library Blog Post Virality Analyser

Blog Post Virality Analyser

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Input prompt
Please review this blog post and give me suggestions on how to make it go viral on social media.
Result from enhanced prompt

7 Morning Routines of Highly Successful People

Viral Potential Analysis


The current headline is decent but could be stronger. Some suggestions: - "7 Weird Morning Habits of Insanely Successful People" - "Steal These 7 Morning Routines from Millionaires and CEOs" - "7 Morning Secrets of the World's Most Successful People"


The introduction is a bit generic. To better hook readers, try something like: "What if I told you that the key to success is not working harder, but simply changing how you spend the first hour of your day? It turns out the world's most successful people have some fascinating morning rituals in common that help them win the day before it even starts."

Emotional Impact

The post elicits some curiosity and aspiration to be successful. To boost the emotional impact, paint a more vivid "before and after" picture - how amazing would the reader's life be if they adopted these routines vs. staying stuck in their current unproductive ways?


The post mostly just lists the routines but doesn't tell a real story. Expand on a couple examples with more engaging storytelling. E.g. describe how Oprah sits down with her journal every morning at 5am in her zen meditation room overlooking the California hills and ponders deep questions that set her intention for the day.


The post offers some useful tips but is still quite general. Include more specific how-to details and links to further resources. E.g. what guided meditation app does Arianna Huffington use? What exact green smoothie recipe does Beyoncé swear by? More practicality = more saves and shares.


The topic of morning routines has been covered extensively already. To make this post more unique, include some really surprising examples or contrarian tips. E.g. maybe Elon Musk does 100 pushups within 3 minutes of waking up, or Marissa Mayer checks her email immediately to get it out of the way.


The post has some share-worthy elements like the celebrity name-dropping and aspirational theme. To boost shares further, make the headline more emotionally compelling (see above), include tweetable quotes within the post, and close with a stronger call-to-action to share (see below).

Thumbnail Image

N/A - no image provided. But an eye-catching visual of a famous successful person would help this post stand out on social media.


The current CTA is okay but could be stronger. Try something more specific and actionable like: "Your challenge for tomorrow morning: Pick just ONE of these success routines and try it yourself. Notice how it impacts your focus, energy and productivity. Then come back and let me know how it goes in the comments below!"

Overall Viral Potential Score

Based on the above analysis, I'd give this post a 6/10 for viral potential in its current form. With the suggested optimizations, it could be boosted to an 8/10.

I hope this analysis is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.