Prompt Library Buyer Persona Profile Generator

Buyer Persona Profile Generator

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Buyer persona for my vegan protein powder company
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Buyer Persona Profile: FitWell Protein Powders & Supplements

Persona Name

Fit Freddie

Job Title and Industry

  • Job Title: Marketing Coordinator
  • Industry: Tech Startup


  • Age: 28
  • Gender: Male
  • Income: $65,000/year
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Education Level: Bachelor's degree in Business Administration


  • Personality: Ambitious, disciplined, social, early adopter
  • Attitudes: Health is a top priority, believes in investing in self-care
  • Values: Wellness, sustainability, work-life balance, continuous growth
  • Interests/Hobbies: CrossFit, hiking, trying new healthy recipes, attending wellness retreats and industry conferences

Goals and Challenges

  • Primary Goal: To maintain peak physical performance and health while juggling a busy career and active lifestyle
  • Secondary Goal: To find clean, effective, great-tasting nutritional products that fit his dietary preferences (plant-based, organic, non-GMO)
  • Key Challenge: Skeptical of many supplement brands due to lack of transparency around ingredients and quality control

Purchasing Process

  • Research: Heavily researches products online, reading ingredient lists, third-party certifications, and reviews from trusted fitness influencers before considering a purchase. Consults with fellow CrossFit enthusiasts for product recommendations.
  • Evaluation: Compares products based on nutritional profile, organic/non-GMO certifications, taste, and perceived value. Willing to invest in premium products if they meet his strict criteria.
  • Purchasing: Makes most supplement purchases online via subscription for convenience and savings. Occasionally buys one-off products from specialty fitness nutrition stores to try new items.

Objections and Reservations

  • Concern about the taste and texture of plant-based protein powders compared to whey-based products he's used in the past
  • Questions around the completeness of amino acid profile in plant proteins and whether they can adequately support muscle growth/recovery
  • Hesitation to switch to a new supplement brand after finding one that works for him

Preferred Channels and Content

  • Social Media: Follows fitness and wellness influencers on Instagram for workout tips, product reviews, and inspiration
  • Podcasts: Listens to health and fitness podcasts like Mind Pump and Ben Greenfield Fitness for in-depth info on nutrition/supplements
  • Email: Subscribes to newsletters from trusted supplement brands and fitness sites for product education, deals, and content
  • Preferred Content Formats: Short informational videos (product demos, ingredient deep-dives), research-backed articles, influencer reviews


"I'm super passionate about fueling my body with the best possible ingredients. I won't compromise on quality when it comes to what I put into my body. If I'm going to invest in a supplement, I need to know exactly what's in it and that it's going to deliver results."

Real-World Example

Fit Freddie is always the first of his CrossFit friends to try the latest organic pre-workout or recovery supplement. He spends hours researching products online and grilling the sales reps at his local nutrition shop about ingredient sourcing before making a purchase. He's been burned by protein powders that made him gassy and bloated in the past, so he's cautious about anything he hasn't vetted extensively. Once he finds a product he loves though, he's a loyal customer and brand advocate, touting its benefits to all his fitness pals.