Prompt Library Classroom Management Assistant

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How can I get my students to participate more in class?
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Here are some strategies to increase participation and engagement in your 10th grade history class:

1. Incorporate Active Learning

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups to discuss prompts or questions about the lesson material
  • Use think-pair-share activities where students reflect individually, discuss with a partner, then share with the class
  • Try jigsaw activities where students become "experts" on subtopics then teach their peers

2. Make Lessons Interactive

  • Embed polls, quizzes or reflection questions throughout your presentations using tools like Mentimeter or Kahoot
  • Pause regularly to have students write questions or share reactions on post-it notes
  • Build in brain breaks with quick review games like charades or Pictionary using lesson vocab/concepts

3. Connect to Students' Lives

  • Relate historical events/issues to current events, pop culture, or students' own experiences
  • Have students research how topics connect to their own family histories or community
  • Discuss how learning history can help them be more engaged citizens today

4. Offer Choice and Autonomy

  • Let students choose from a menu of ways to learn about or demonstrate understanding of a topic
  • Have students generate questions they're curious about within the unit and research the answers
  • Allow students to help shape discussion topics or suggest relevant current events to analyze

5. Vary Discussion Formats

  • Use Socratic Seminars or Philosophical Chairs to structure in-depth discussions
  • Have students host a mock trial, debate, or press conference roleplaying historical figures
  • Try a "snowball discussion" where pairs become quads become whole group to gradually broaden participation

6. Celebrate Engagement

  • Praise students for asking questions, making connections, and taking intellectual risks
  • Showcase exemplary student work or ideas and explain what makes them effective
  • Reach out to share positive participation feedback with students and families

I hope these ideas help bring some new energy and engagement to your history lessons! Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions. Wishing you and your students an exciting year of historical discoveries!