Prompt Library Critique My UX Copy

Critique My UX Copy

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Input prompt
Review this error message: "Wrong password. It must have 8+ characters and a number or symbol. Try again."
Result from enhanced prompt

Here is my review of the UX copy for the invalid password error message:

Clarity & Conciseness

  • The opening "Oops!" clearly indicates an error occurred in a friendly, casual way. Good start.
  • The copy explicitly states what went wrong (invalid password) and what is needed to fix it (password requirements). The instructions are clear.
  • The tone is encouraging at the end, but the message is a bit wordy overall. It could be tightened up.

Tone & Voice

  • The tone is very casual and conversational, with phrases like "isn't quite right" and "let's give it another shot". This sets a friendly, non-intimidating vibe.
  • However, the tone might be a little too playful for a potentially frustrating error message. The user may just want to get past this roadblock.
  • The "we know you can crack this!" ending is cute but risks coming across as condescending after the user made a mistake. I'd remove that.

Adherence to UX Writing Best Practices

  • Putting the key information (password requirements) in the middle of the message risks it getting lost. The requirements should be called out more prominently, perhaps in a bullet list.
  • The message could more clearly emphasize the positive action the user needs to take (e.g. "Please try again with a password that:") rather than focusing on the negative (what they did wrong).
  • Avoid using the word "password" repeatedly. Varying it with "login" or "sign-in" can make the copy flow better.


Here's how I would rewrite this error message:

Hmm, that sign-in didn't quite work. To keep your account secure, please try again with a password that: - Is at least 8 characters long - Includes a number or special character

You got this!

This version is more concise, separates out the password requirements visually, and strikes a better balance between friendly and clear. The focus is on enabling the user to move forward confidently.