Prompt Library Differentiated Instruction Planner

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Create a lesson plan on the solar system for my 6th grade science class.
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Solar System Lesson Plan

Grade Level: 6th Grade Science

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Name and describe characteristics of the 8 planets in our solar system - Explain the role of gravity in the formation and structure of the solar system - Discuss recent discoveries and ongoing exploration efforts in our solar system - Work collaboratively to create a model or visual representation of the solar system

Standards Alignment:

  • Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS): MS-ESS1-2, MS-ESS1-3


  • Inflatable solar system model or poster
  • Planet fact cards or info sheets at various reading levels
  • Art supplies for solar system models (styrofoam balls, paint, markers, etc.)
  • Multimedia resources - videos, animations, interactive websites
  • Graphic organizers, sentence stems, vocabulary lists to support ELLs
  • Leveled texts about space exploration

Lesson Sequence:

Engage (5-10 min):

  • Show an exciting video clip about a recent solar system discovery
  • Pose questions to spark curiosity and activate prior knowledge

Explore (20-30 min):

  • Cooperative Jigsaw Activity: Divide class into "expert groups" - each assigned to research one planet using differentiated materials
  • Experts record key facts and create a visual to teach their planet to others
  • Jigsaw into "solar system groups" with one expert on each planet
  • Experts teach their planets while others listen and record notes on a graphic organizer

Explain (10-15 min):

  • Come together for a class discussion to review planet order and characteristics
  • Teacher explains key concepts of solar system formation, gravity using inflatable model and animations
  • Think-Pair-Share: How might gravity impact objects in the solar system?

Elaborate (20-30 min):

  • Students choose to either: 1) Create a 3D model of the solar system to scale 2) Research and present on a recent solar system discovery 3) Write a creative story about traveling to one of the planets
  • Provide graphic organizers, sentence stems, research guides to scaffold tasks
  • Challenge gifted students to compare our solar system to others or explain how understanding of the solar system has changed over time

Evaluate (10-15 min):

  • Students complete a differentiated "exit ticket" to self-assess learning
  • Options: labeled diagram, written response, or recorded verbal explanation
  • Teacher checks models/presentations with a rubric to assess learning objectives

Differentiation Strategies:

  • Provide multimedia resources and visuals to support diverse learning styles
  • Offer texts and materials at varied reading levels (newsela, readworks, etc.)
  • Give choices in working groups and final product
  • Provide scaffolds like graphic organizers, vocab lists, sentence stems
  • Design tiered questions and activities to challenge gifted learners
  • Allow use of text-to-speech, voice typing tools for student with IEP

Extension Ideas:

  • Explore the contributions of diverse scientists & engineers to space exploration
  • Incorporate data analysis skills by graphing & comparing planet properties
  • Discuss the likelihood and challenges of colonizing another planet
  • Connect to current events & new discoveries through space news articles