Prompt Library Email Drip Campaign Planner

Email Drip Campaign Planner

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Plan a drip campaign to promote my SaaS product to content creators.
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AI Writing Assistant Software: Free Trial to Paid Conversion Email Drip Campaign

Campaign Objective

Convert free trial users of the AI-powered writing assistant software into paid subscribers by showcasing key features, sharing customer success stories, offering limited-time discounts, and creating urgency to upgrade before the trial expires.

Target Metrics

  • Free trial to paid conversion rate: 25%
  • Open rate: 40%
  • Click-through rate: 10%

Email Sequence

Email 1: Welcome and Getting Started

  • Goal: Introduce the software, set expectations, and encourage engagement
  • Key Message: Welcome to the future of writing! Get started with your AI writing assistant.
  • Call-to-Action: Log in and explore the dashboard
  • Subject Line Options:
    • Welcome to [Software Name]: Your AI Writing Assistant!
    • Get Started with [Software Name] and Unleash Your Writing Potential
    • [First Name], Your AI-Powered Writing Journey Begins Now!
  • Content Ideas:
    • Brief overview of key features and benefits
    • Getting started guide or video tutorial
    • Encouragement to explore the software and start writing
  • Timing: Immediately after signing up for the free trial

Email 2: Showcase Key Features

  • Goal: Highlight the software's most valuable features and their benefits
  • Key Message: Discover how [Software Name] can revolutionize your writing process
  • Call-to-Action: Try out a specific feature
  • Subject Line Options:
    • [Software Name]: Write Faster and Smarter with These Powerful Features
    • Unlock the Secrets to Effortless Writing with [Software Name]
    • [First Name], Have You Tried These Game-Changing Writing Tools Yet?
  • Content Ideas:
    • In-depth look at 2-3 key features (e.g., AI-assisted content generation, grammar and style checking, SEO optimization)
    • User testimonials or case studies showcasing the impact of these features
    • Tips for getting the most out of each feature
  • Timing: 3 days after Email 1

Email 3: Customer Success Story

  • Goal: Provide social proof and demonstrate the real-world impact of the software
  • Key Message: See how [Software Name] has transformed the way these customers write
  • Call-to-Action: Read the full success story on the blog
  • Subject Line Options:
    • [Customer Name] Increased Their Writing Output by 200% with [Software Name]
    • How [Software Name] Helped [Customer Name] Achieve Their Writing Goals
    • [First Name], Discover the Real-World Impact of AI-Powered Writing
  • Content Ideas:
    • Detailed success story featuring a customer similar to the target audience
    • Specific examples of how the software improved their writing process and results
    • Link to the full case study on the company blog
  • Timing: 7 days after Email 2

Email 4: Limited-Time Discount Offer

  • Goal: Incentivize trial users to upgrade to a paid subscription
  • Key Message: Upgrade now and save [X]% on your [Software Name] subscription
  • Call-to-Action: Upgrade to a paid plan using a special promo code
  • Subject Line Options:
    • [First Name], Don't Miss Out on [X]% Off [Software Name]!
    • Your Exclusive [Software Name] Discount Ends Soon - Upgrade Now!
    • Unlock Premium Writing Features at a Special Price, Just for You
  • Content Ideas:
    • Exclusive, limited-time discount offer for trial users
    • Reminder of the key benefits of upgrading to a paid plan
    • Testimonial from a customer who upgraded and saw great results
  • Timing: 14 days after Email 3 (7 days before trial expiration)

Email 5: Trial Expiration Reminder

  • Goal: Create urgency and encourage users to upgrade before their trial ends
  • Key Message: Your free trial is almost over - don't lose access to your AI writing assistant!
  • Call-to-Action: Upgrade to a paid plan before the trial expires
  • Subject Line Options:
    • [First Name], Your [Software Name] Trial Ends in 3 Days!
    • Don't Let Your AI Writing Assistant Slip Away - Upgrade Now!
    • Last Chance to Keep [Software Name] at Your Fingertips
  • Content Ideas:
    • Reminder of when the free trial will expire
    • Recap of the key features and benefits they'll lose access to
    • Final call-to-action to upgrade, with a link to the pricing page
  • Timing: 3 days before trial expiration

Email 6: Last Day of Trial

  • Goal: Make a final push for conversions on the last day of the trial
  • Key Message: It's your last chance to upgrade and continue using [Software Name]!
  • Call-to-Action: Upgrade now before it's too late
  • Subject Line Options:
    • [First Name], Your [Software Name] Access Ends at Midnight!
    • Final Hours: Upgrade to [Software Name] Now or Lose Access Forever
    • Don't Say Goodbye to Your AI Writing Assistant - Last Chance to Upgrade!
  • Content Ideas:
    • Urgent reminder that the trial is ending today
    • Restate the key benefits of upgrading and what they'll miss out on
    • Final discount offer or bonus incentive to upgrade
  • Timing: Morning of the last day of the trial

Audience Segmentation and Personalization

  • Segment based on user behavior (e.g., feature usage, engagement level)
  • Personalize subject lines and content based on user data (e.g., name, writing goals, preferred features)
  • Tailor success stories and case studies to match user segments

Testing and Optimization

  • A/B test subject lines, calls-to-action, and content variations
  • Monitor key metrics and adjust the campaign based on performance
  • Continuously gather user feedback and iterate on the email sequence