Prompt Library Engaging Lesson Plan Generator

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Make a lesson plan about photosynthesis for middle school science class.
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Photosynthesis: How Plants Make Food

Grade Level

7th grade

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Explain how plants convert sunlight into usable energy - Identify the key inputs and outputs of photosynthesis - Describe the role of chloroplasts and chlorophyll in photosynthesis


  • Colored paper, scissors, tape
  • Flashlights
  • Clear plastic cups, straws
  • Baking soda, water
  • Worksheets, exit tickets

Lesson Plan

Opener (5-10 min)

  • Show a short video clip of a time-lapse of plants growing towards the sun
  • Ask students to discuss with a partner: What do you think is happening? Why do plants need sunlight?
  • Call on a few pairs to share ideas and write key words on the board (e.g. sunlight, energy, growth)

Introduction (10-15 min)

  • Explain that today we'll be learning about photosynthesis - the amazing process plants use to make their own food using sunlight
  • Draw a simple diagram on the board showing the inputs (CO2, H2O, sunlight) and outputs (glucose, O2) of photosynthesis
  • Emphasize that plants are the only living things that can make their own food - all other life depends on them!
  • Check for understanding: Have students fill in the blanks on the diagram in their notes

Activity 1: Building a Chloroplast (20 min)

  • Divide class into groups of 3-4 and give each group supplies to build a model chloroplast:
    • Green paper for chlorophyll
    • Yellow/orange paper for thylakoid membranes
    • Clear cup for stroma
    • Straw pieces for enzymes
  • As they build, circulate to ask probing questions:
    • What does the chlorophyll do? (absorbs sunlight)
    • Where does the CO2 enter the chloroplast? (stroma)
    • What's produced in the thylakoid? (ATP for energy)
  • Have groups show and explain their models to each other

Activity 2: Photosynthesis in Action (20 min)

  • Demo how to set up a simple experiment:
    • Pour baking soda solution into 2 clear cups to provide CO2
    • Add a few sprigs of an aquatic plant to each
    • Place one in bright light and one in a dark closet
  • Have students set up their own experiments and make predictions
  • While waiting, explain the equation for photosynthesis and practice balancing it
  • Check plants at end of class and discuss results tomorrow

Conclusion (5-10 min)

  • Review key points: photosynthesis uses sunlight to convert CO2 and H2O into glucose and O2
  • Chlorophyll in chloroplasts absorbs the light energy to power this process
  • Plants are amazing solar-powered sugar factories!
  • Preview that tomorrow we'll learn more about how plants use the glucose they make
  • Exit Ticket: 3-2-1 (3 things learned, 2 questions, 1 "aha" moment)


  • Provide partially filled-in notes/diagrams for students who need more support
  • Allow students to verbally explain models or write key points for assessment
  • Offer extension: research C3, C4 and CAM plants and how they photosynthesize differently

Additional Resources