Prompt Library Event Crisis Communication Template Writer

Event Crisis Communication Template Writer

Develop a crisis communication template to effectively manage and respond to unexpected situations.

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Write a crisis communication plan for a manufacturing company to handle a product recall.
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Acme Widgets Inc. Product Recall Crisis Communication Plan

Crisis Response Team Roles & Responsibilities

  • Crisis Manager (CEO): Oversees response, approves key decisions and messages
  • Operations Lead (COO): Coordinates product retrieval, internal communications
  • Communications Lead (PR Director): Manages external communications, media relations
  • Customer Service Lead: Handles customer inquiries, implements recall notices
  • Legal Counsel: Advises on legal implications, compliance requirements
  • HR Director: Supports employee communications, addresses concerns


  1. Initial assessment:
    • Verify recall necessity with Legal, Safety/Compliance teams
    • Determine scope - specific products, lots, dates, quantities
  2. Plan activation:
    • Crisis Manager alerts and assembles full Crisis Response Team
    • Team reviews situation and agrees on initial response within 2 hours
  3. Recall logistics and tracking:
    • Operations identifies affected inventory, halts production and distribution
    • Sets up product return process, tracking system for returns/replacements
  4. Stakeholder notifications:
    • Communications prepares notices for customers, distributors, retailers
    • Customer Service sends direct customer notifications within 24 hours
    • PR Director distributes media statement and recall notice within 24 hours
  5. Ongoing monitoring and response:
    • All leads monitor situation and stakeholder responses in their areas
    • Team meets daily to assess status, address issues, update tactics as needed
    • Collaborate with regulators and industry partners to manage broader impacts

Key Messages

  • We are voluntarily recalling [product] due to [issue]. No other products are affected.
  • The recall is a precautionary measure to ensure the safety and quality our customers expect.
  • We have identified the issue and are actively retrieving all affected products from the market.
  • Customers should stop using the product immediately and contact us for a full refund or replacement.
  • We are committed to resolving this quickly and will provide further updates as available.
  • The health and safety of our customers is our top priority. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

Communications Channels & Tactics

  • Direct customer notifications (email, mail, text, account portals)
  • Dedicated recall information on website with FAQs, contact info, progress updates
  • Social media posts with recall information and link to full details on website
  • Press release and proactive outreach to key industry media
  • Paid search ads to drive visibility of recall information for product searches
  • Retailer and distributor communications with POS notices, scripts for staff
  • Internal memos, FAQs and talking points to inform employees

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Monitor media, social, web traffic for recall information reach and stakeholder responses
  • Track product returns and replacement/refund volumes against targets
  • Conduct sentiment and share of voice analysis to gauge impact on brand reputation
  • Identify and address top questions, concerns, misinformation and emerging issues
  • Provide regular progress reports to leadership team and all employees
  • After recall closes, conduct full evaluation of process, impact and areas for improvement
  • Update recall plan, supplier controls and communications templates based on learnings

Contact the Crisis Manager with any questions or concerns about this plan. Last updated: [Date]