Prompt Library LinkedIn Content Calendar Generator

LinkedIn Content Calendar Generator

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Create a 2 month LinkedIn posting schedule for my marketing agency to get more clients.
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60-Day LinkedIn Content Calendar for Boutique Marketing Agency

Target Audience: Small business owners and entrepreneurs Content Goals: 1. Establish thought leadership in small business marketing strategy 2. Drive leads to agency website

Posting Frequency: 3-4 times per week

Week 1


  • Content Type: Text Post
  • Post Copy: 5 Essential Elements of a Winning Small Business Marketing Strategy
  • Hashtags: #SmallBusinessMarketing #MarketingStrategy #Entrepreneurs
  • Call-to-Action: Visit our website for more marketing tips! [link to website]


  • Content Type: Video
  • Post Copy: Watch our founder share her top 3 tips for creating a marketing budget that maximizes ROI for your small business.
  • Video Topic: 3 Tips for Small Business Marketing Budgets
  • Hashtags: #MarketingBudget #SmallBizTips #Entrepreneurship


  • Content Type: Poll
  • Post Copy: As a small business owner, what's your biggest marketing challenge right now?
  • Poll Options:
    • Generating leads
    • Creating engaging content
    • Measuring ROI
    • Standing out from competitors
  • Hashtags: #SmallBusinessChallenges #MarketingPoll

Week 2


  • Content Type: Text Post
  • Hook: The One Marketing Metric Every Small Business Should Track
  • Post Copy: Is your small business tracking this critical marketing metric? Find out what it is and how to measure it in our latest blog post!
  • Link: [Blog post link]
  • Hashtags: #MarketingMetrics #SmallBizSuccess #Entrepreneurs


  • Content Type: Image
  • Post Copy: How strong is your small business's marketing foundation? Use our free checklist to find out! [Checklist image]
  • Hashtags: #MarketingChecklist #SmallBusinessTools #Entrepreneurship
  • Call-to-Action: Download the full checklist on our website [link]


  • Content Type: Text Post
  • Hook: 3 Costly Small Business Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
  • Post Copy: Don't let these common marketing mistakes drain your small business's budget and hold back growth! Learn what to watch out for in our new video.
  • Video Topic: 3 Small Business Marketing Mistakes
  • Hashtags: #MarketingMistakes #SmallBizTips #Entrepreneurs

Week 3


  • Content Type: Text Post
  • Post Copy: Struggling to generate leads for your small business? Try these 5 proven tactics recommended by our marketing experts.
  • Hashtags: #LeadGeneration #SmallBusinessMarketing #Entrepreneurship
  • Call-to-Action: Get more lead gen tips on our blog! [link to blog]


  • Content Type: LinkedIn Article
  • Article Title: The Small Business Owner's Guide to Creating a Marketing Plan
  • Article Outline:
    1. Why every small business needs a marketing plan
    2. 5 key components of a small business marketing plan
    3. How to set achievable marketing goals
    4. Crafting a buyer persona for your ideal customer
    5. Choosing the right marketing mix for your business
    6. Measuring and optimizing marketing performance
  • Hashtags: #MarketingPlan #SmallBizStrategy #Entrepreneurs


  • Content Type: Video
  • Post Copy: What do successful small business marketing strategies have in common? Our founder breaks down the 4 essential ingredients in this short video.
  • Video Topic: 4 Ingredients of Successful Small Business Marketing
  • Hashtags: #MarketingSuccess #SmallBizTips #Entrepreneurship

This content calendar provides a framework for the first 3 weeks of the 60-day period, focusing on establishing thought leadership and driving website traffic through a mix of informative posts, engagement-driving formats like polls, and lead magnets like checklists.

The remaining 5 weeks would follow a similar structure, diving deeper into specific marketing tactics, case studies, and addressing pain points. Aim to consistently provide value, build trust with the audience, and position the agency as the go-to expert for small business marketing needs.