Prompt Library Narrative Voice Adjustment

Narrative Voice Adjustment

Adjust your narrative voice to better suit your story's tone, genre, and target audience.

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Input prompt
Change the style of my story to be scarier.
Result from enhanced prompt

Here are my suggestions for adjusting the narrative voice to better suit a suspenseful horror story for adults:

Suggested Changes

  1. Increase the sense of dread and foreboding:

    • Describe the hallway as "oppressively dark" or "seeming to close in around her"
    • Mention the "suffocating silence" or "oppressive stillness"
    • Have the door creak open "with a sound like a dying breath"
  2. Amp up the visceral fear responses:

    • Instead of just "heart pounding", describe "cold sweat prickling her skin" or "hairs standing up on the back of her neck"
    • Mention her mouth going dry with fear or a sour taste of dread on her tongue
    • Describe her muscles tensing and breath coming short and fast
  3. Make the basement more threatening:

    • Describe the stairs as "descending into an abyss" or "being swallowed by the darkness"
    • Mention a "dank, rotting smell" or "bone-chilling cold" emanating from below
    • Have the cobwebs feel more sinister, like "ghostly fingers" brushing her skin
  4. Create more uncertainty and paranoia:

    • Make the flashlight flicker more erratically, "as if fighting to stay alive"
    • Describe "shifting shadows" or "skittering sounds" just outside the beam of light
    • Mention her paranoid thoughts, like wondering if something is watching or stalking her
  5. Foreshadow the horrors to come:

    • Hint at the "unspeakable horrors" or "nightmare fuel" that may lurk in the depths
    • Have her wonder if she's descending into "the belly of the beast" or "the mouth of hell"
    • Mention a "rising sense of doom" or "inescapable fate" awaiting her below

Revised Excerpt

The oppressively dark hallway closed in around Sarah as she crept forward, cold sweat prickling her skin. She reached a trembling hand out to the basement door, which creaked open with a sound like a dying breath. Peering down into the abyss, a sour taste of dread filled her mouth.

She descended the rickety wooden stairs, each step groaning under her weight as the darkness swallowed her. Ghostly cobwebs brushed her face and she shuddered, icy fingers of fear trailing down her spine. The dank, rotting smell of the depths filled her nostrils.

At the bottom, her flashlight flickered erratically, as if fighting to stay alive. Shifting shadows danced at the edges of the wavering beam. Sarah's muscles tensed, breath coming short and fast. The suffocating silence pressed in on her, broken only by skittering sounds just outside the light.

Steeling herself, Sarah took a step forward, determined to uncover the house's unspeakable secrets. But deep down, a rising sense of doom told her she was descending into the belly of the beast, where nightmare fuel awaited her in the inky black depths.


The suggested changes aim to:

  • Create a more oppressive, claustrophobic atmosphere filled with dread
  • Evoke stronger fear responses through visceral descriptions
  • Make the environment feel more threatening and paranoia-inducing
  • Foreshadow the unknown horrors that await the protagonist
  • Ratchet up tension through erratic lighting, shifting shadows, and skittering sounds

The revised excerpt amps up the suspense and horror elements to better target an adult audience while preserving the core story beats and character motivations. The ominous tone and mounting sense of doom are intensified to hook readers and foreshadow the terrors to come.