Prompt Library Nonprofit Grant Proposal Template

Nonprofit Grant Proposal Template

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Write a grant proposal for my nonprofit to get funding to help more high school kids.
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Horizons Youth Mentoring Grant Proposal to Acme Community Foundation

Executive Summary

Horizons Youth Mentoring respectfully requests a grant of $50,000 from the Acme Community Foundation to expand our proven after-school mentoring program for at-risk high school students in our community. This funding will allow us to double the number of youth served, from 50 to 100 students annually, and deepen the impact of our mentoring relationships through enhanced training for mentors and additional enrichment activities for students.

Our mission is to empower at-risk youth to reach their full potential through the power of consistent, caring mentoring relationships and supportive programming outside of school. Since our founding in 2015, we have carefully matched 250 high school students with screened adult mentors, and 95% of our mentees have graduated high school on time, compared to only 70% of their un-mentored peers. With your support, we can build on this track record of success and connect more vulnerable youth with the mentoring relationships they need to thrive.

Organization Background

Horizons Youth Mentoring was founded in 2015 by educators and community leaders alarmed by the high school dropout crisis in our city. We believe that every young person deserves a caring adult mentor to help them navigate the challenges of adolescence and reach their full potential.

Over the past 7 years, we have developed a robust mentoring model that includes:

  • Careful screening and training of adult volunteer mentors
  • Thoughtful matching of mentors and mentees based on shared interests
  • Weekly one-on-one mentoring meetings, supervised by staff
  • Monthly group enrichment activities to foster social-emotional skills and expose youth to new opportunities
  • Regular communication with parents/guardians and school personnel

Our mentoring relationships are long-term (minimum 1 year commitment) and we provide ongoing support to matches. As a result, 85% of our matches last 2 years or more, compared to a national average of only 38% for youth mentoring programs.

We prioritize serving the most vulnerable students, including those from low-income families, single-parent households, or with an incarcerated parent. 80% of our mentees qualify for free/reduced lunch, and 60% will be first-generation college students. Our long-term vision is that all students in our community have access to a life-changing mentoring relationship.

Program Description and Objectives

With Acme Community Foundation's investment, Horizons Youth Mentoring will expand our core after-school mentoring program to serve an additional 50 at-risk high school students annually, doubling our current impact. Specifically, grant funds will support:

  • Recruitment, screening, and training of 50 new volunteer mentors
  • Matching of 50 new mentees with compatible mentors
  • Supervision and support of new and existing mentoring matches
  • 12 monthly enrichment events for all mentors and mentees
  • College/career exploration activities for high school juniors and seniors

Our objectives are:

  1. Recruit, screen, and train 50 new high-quality volunteer mentors
  2. Provide 1:1 mentoring to 100 at-risk high school students for a minimum of 12 months per match
  3. Achieve an 85%+ 1-year retention rate for matches
  4. 90% of mentees improve school attendance and academic performance
  5. 95% of 12th grade mentees graduate high school on time
  6. 85% of 12th grade mentees enroll in post-secondary education or secure employment

To achieve these ambitious objectives, we will leverage our time-tested mentoring model and our strong school and community partnerships. Our program is overseen by experienced staff, including a dedicated Mentor Manager who provides ongoing coaching and support to all matches.

Evaluation and Sustainability Plan

Horizons Youth Mentoring is committed to continuous program improvement through rigorous evaluation. We will collect the following data to assess our progress and impact:

  • Number of new mentors recruited and trained
  • Number and length of matches
  • Mentee grades, attendance, and disciplinary data (via school records)
  • High school graduation and post-secondary enrollment/employment status
  • Surveys of mentors, mentees, and parents/guardians to assess relationship quality and youth development outcomes

Data will be reviewed quarterly by staff and Board to inform program improvements. Annual progress will be reported to the Acme Community Foundation and other stakeholders.

To sustain our growth, we will pursue diverse funding streams, including individual donors, corporate sponsors, and other foundations. Our Board has adopted a Fund Development Plan with a goal of raising $250,000 annually by 2025 to support our expansion. We will also explore earned revenue opportunities such as nominal program fees and paid mentor training for other organizations.

Detailed Budget Justification

We request $50,000 to fund the following annual expansion costs:

Expense Amount
Mentor Manager Salary (0.5 FTE) $30,000
Mentor Recruitment and Training $5,000
Mentee Recruitment and Intake $2,500
Monthly Enrichment Activities $6,000
College/Career Exploration Events $3,000
Program Supplies and Materials $2,000
Administrative Overhead (10%) $5,000
Total $50,000

The Mentor Manager is the key staff position overseeing all aspects of the expansion, including mentor/mentee recruitment, training, matching, and ongoing support and supervision. At 0.5 FTE, this position requires $30,000 in salary and benefits.

Mentor and mentee recruitment and intake ($7,500 total) includes costs for background checks, marketing and outreach materials, and refreshments for orientation sessions.

To enrich the mentoring experience, we will offer 12 monthly group activities ($500 each) such as field trips, service projects, and life skills workshops. For older mentees, we will provide targeted college/career exploration events including campus visits and job shadowing ($3,000).

Program supplies ($2,000) include items such as journals, art materials, games, and books to enhance mentor-mentee interactions. The remaining $5,000 covers essential administrative costs such as office rent, utilities, insurance and telecommunications.

This $50,000 investment will allow Horizons Youth Mentoring to double the number of at-risk students served and provide them with the caring mentoring relationships they need to succeed in school and life. Together, we can build a brighter future for our community's youth.

Thank you for your consideration of our request. We look forward to partnering with the Acme Community Foundation to empower more young lives through the power of mentoring.