Prompt Library Personal Core Values Assessment

Personal Core Values Assessment

Clarify your core values to make authentic decisions aligned with your true self.

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I'm feeling lost and want to identify my values. Can you help?
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Here are some questions to help guide your reflection on your core values:

Questions to Clarify Your Values

  1. What qualities do you most admire in others? What traits do you aspire to embody?
  2. Reflect on peak experiences in your life - moments you felt most alive, fulfilled and proud. What values were you honoring in those moments?
  3. What issues fire you up and get you motivated to take action? Where do you feel called to make a difference?
  4. Imagine your 90th birthday celebration. What do you want to be remembered for? What legacy do you want to leave?
  5. What are your non-negotiables and deal breakers in relationships and endeavors? What standards and boundaries reflect your values?
  6. When you've faced difficult decisions, what principles and priorities ultimately guide your choices?
  7. What "rules to live by" capture your philosophy on living a good and meaningful life?

Take time to journal on these questions and look for themes in what emerges. Aim to identify 4-6 core values that deeply resonate. Some examples of values include:

  • Authenticity
  • Courage
  • Compassion
  • Growth
  • Integrity
  • Adventure
  • Creativity
  • Spirituality
  • Service

Once you have a draft set of core values, I recommend doing the following exercise for each one:

  1. Define what the value means to you in your own words. What attitudes and actions reflect that value?
  2. Identify a time when you embodied that value. What did that look and feel like?
  3. Envision what fully living into that value would mean for your life and choices moving forward. How might that value guide your priorities and decisions?
  4. Give each value a "tagline" that captures its significance - a short motto you can return to for inspiration.

Let me know what initial values emerge from your reflections. I'm happy to serve as a sounding board to further clarify and refine the guiding principles that ring most true for you. The more connected you feel to your core values, the more empowered you'll be to realign your life around them.

Remember, identifying your values is an ongoing journey and evolution. Treat this as an invitation for greater self-awareness, intentionality and authentic living. Trust that by uncovering and honoring what matters most to you, you'll naturally start making more fulfilling choices.

Let me know if you would like to discuss further! I'm excited to support you in this transformative values work.