Prompt Library Product Explainer Video Scriptwriter

Product Explainer Video Scriptwriter

Script an engaging product explainer video that educates and persuades potential customers.

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Input prompt
Write a 60 second video script explaining what the Lumi sleep tracker does and why someone should buy it.
Result from enhanced prompt

Lumi Smart Sleep Tracker - Explainer Video Script

Opening Hook

Narrator: "Are you waking up exhausted, struggling to get through your day? What if you could unlock the secret to amazing sleep and wake up energized every morning? Introducing the Lumi Smart Sleep Tracker - the key to transforming your nights and supercharging your days."

[Visual: Show someone waking up tired and dragging through their day, then cut to them waking up refreshed and energized after using Lumi]

Introducing Lumi

Narrator: "The Lumi Smart Sleep Tracker is a revolutionary wearable device that monitors your sleep like nothing else can. It uses advanced sensors to track your sleep cycles, heart rate, breathing, and movement - capturing the most accurate and complete picture of your sleep."

[Visual: Show the sleek Lumi device and how it's worn, highlight the sensors and technology]

Personalized Sleep Optimization

Narrator: "But Lumi doesn't just track - it coaches. The device learns your unique sleep patterns and provides hyper-personalized recommendations to help you optimize your sleep quality. Small tweaks to your sleep environment, schedule and pre-bed routine can make a huge impact, and Lumi guides you every step of the way."

[Visual: Screenshots of the Lumi app showing personalized insights and recommendations]

Sleep Coaching Programs

Narrator: "For an even deeper understanding of your sleep, Lumi pairs with a powerful mobile app. You'll get detailed sleep stage analysis, trends over time, and can unlock premium sleep coaching programs led by world-renowned experts. The app even integrates with your other health data for a holistic view of your wellbeing."

[Visual: More app screenshots showing sleep analysis and coaching programs]

Customer Testimonial

Customer: "Since I started using Lumi, I'm sleeping better than I have in years. I never realized how much my sleep impacted my entire day. With Lumi's insights, I've optimized my sleep routine and I feel like a whole new person. I have so much more energy and focus - it's been life-changing!"

[Visual: Customer on-camera giving authentic testimonial]


Narrator: "Are you ready to unlock the best sleep of your life? The Lumi Smart Sleep Tracker is available now, and when you order today you'll get 30% off plus free access to the premium sleep coaching programs. Just go to to get yours and start waking up refreshed every single day."

[Visual: Show 30% off promotion, free coaching bonus, website URL, happy customer using Lumi]

Voice-Over Narration Notes: - Friendly, conversational tone - Emphasize key words: accurate, personalized, optimized, energized - Pause for emphasis at important points

On-Screen Text: - Lumi Smart Sleep Tracker - Most accurate sleep analysis - Personalized optimization - Detailed insights & coaching - 30% off + free coaching -

Visual Cues: - Show Lumi device and how it's worn - Screenshots of app analysis & recommendations - Customer testimonial on-camera - Promo offer & website CTA at end