Prompt Library Project Budget Spreadsheet Creator

Project Budget Spreadsheet Creator

Create a comprehensive project budget spreadsheet to plan and track financial resources effectively.

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Input prompt
Make a budget spreadsheet for my product launch event including marketing costs, event expenses, and travel.
Result from enhanced prompt

Here is a project budget spreadsheet template for the Q3 Product Launch:

Q3 Product Launch Budget (July 1 - September 30)

One-Time Expenses,Budget,Actual
Marketing and advertising,  ,  
Graphic design,  ,  
Video production,  ,  
Venue rentals,  ,  
Promotional giveaways,  ,  
Speaker fees,  ,  
One-Time Expenses Subtotal,=SUM(B2:B7),=SUM(C2:C7)

Recurring Expenses,Budget,Actual
Catering,  ,  
Travel and lodging for team,  ,  
Recurring Expenses Subtotal,=SUM(B10:B11),=SUM(C10:C11)

Total Expenses,=B8+B12,=C8+C12

Budget Summary
Total Budget,=B14
Total Actual Spend,=C14
Budget Remaining,=B17-C17


  1. Enter your budgeted amounts for each expense category under the "Budget" column. Leave the "Actual" column blank for now.
  2. The spreadsheet will automatically calculate subtotals for one-time expenses, recurring expenses, and total overall expenses.
  3. As you incur actual expenses throughout the project, record the amounts in the "Actual" column for each relevant category.
  4. The "Budget Summary" section will show your total budget, actual spend, and remaining budget to help you track your financial position in real-time.

Remember to revisit and update your budget regularly to account for any changes in plans or unexpected costs. Staying on top of your project spend is key to delivering a successful product launch while responsibly managing financial resources.

Let me know if you have any other questions!