Prompt Library Project Change Request Form Generator

Project Change Request Form Generator

Generate a standardized project change request form to manage and track changes throughout the project lifecycle.

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Input prompt
Make a change request form for my website project to add a new feature.
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Project Change Request Form

Project Name: Acme Website Redesign Project ID: ACM-WEB-2023

Change Requester: Name: John Smith Role: Product Manager Email: [email protected] Phone: (123) 456-7890

Date of Change Request: 2023-06-08

Description of Requested Change

We request adding an interactive product configurator to the Acme website redesign project. This configurator will allow customers to: - Customize product options like color, size, materials, etc. - Visualize their customized product in 3D - See real-time pricing based on selected options - Add customized products directly to their cart

The goal is to enhance the customer experience, reduce product returns, and increase sales conversions by 15%. The configurator should be mobile-responsive and integrate with our existing product database and shopping cart.

Impact Assessment

  • Scope: Significant increase to add the configurator as a new feature
  • Schedule: Estimated 6 week delay to design, develop and test the configurator
  • Budget: Additional $50,000 required for 3D modeling and configurator development
  • Resources: Need to engage a 3D artist and an extra front-end developer
  • Risks: Complexity of configurator could impact site performance if not optimized
  • Quality: Improved UX and more personalized customer experience

Alternative Approaches Considered

  1. Simplify configurator to 2D images instead of 3D models
  2. Implement configurator in a later phase post-launch
  3. Integrate a third-party configurator tool instead of custom development


Accept the change request and extend the timeline and budget to accommodate the configurator. The enhanced customer experience and expected lift in conversions justifies the added scope. Ensure optimization is a priority to mitigate performance risks.

Required Approvals

  • [ ] Project Manager - Jane Doe
  • [ ] Project Sponsor - Bob Johnson
  • [ ] Engineering Lead - Sajid Gupta
  • [ ] Product Owner - John Smith

Approval Status

  • [ ] Approved
  • [ ] Rejected
  • [ ] Deferred
  • [ ] More Info Needed


X____________________________ Jane Doe, Project Manager

X____________________________ Bob Johnson, Project Sponsor