Prompt Library Project RACI Matrix Template

Project RACI Matrix Template

Generate a project RACI matrix template to clearly define roles and responsibilities for each task.

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New Product Launch RACI Matrix Template

This RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) matrix template helps clearly define roles and responsibilities for each major workstream and task in a new product launch.

How to Use This Template

  1. List out all the key activities or tasks associated with the product launch down the left-hand column. Break them out by workstream or phase as needed.
  2. Identify the key roles or individuals involved across the top row. Common roles include:
    • Product Manager
    • Engineering Lead
    • Marketing Manager
    • Sales Manager
    • Customer Support Lead
    • Legal
    • Executive Sponsor
  3. For each task and role combination, fill in the appropriate RACI designation:
    • R = Responsible = The role doing the work to complete the task
    • A = Accountable = The role ultimately answerable for the task or decision
    • C = Consulted = A role that must be consulted before a decision or action
    • I = Informed = A role that must be informed after a decision or action

RACI Matrix

Product Launch Tasks Product Manager Engineering Lead Marketing Manager Sales Manager Customer Support Lead Legal Exec Sponsor
Finalize product requirements A R C C C I I
Technical design & architecture C A/R I I C I I
Development & testing I A/R I I C I I
Packaging & pricing A/R I R C I C C
Sales enablement I I C A/R R I I
Marketing content development C I A/R C I C I
Legal review I I I I I A/R I
Beta customer recruitment A/R C R R C I I
Product launch announcement R I A/R C I I R
Initial customer support C C I I A/R I I

Remember to tailor the specific tasks and roles to your product launch scenario. The Accountable designation should appear only once per row, but any number of Responsible, Consulted and Informed designations can appear.

This matrix should be filled out collaboratively and shared with all stakeholders to ensure clear expectations and smooth launch execution. Refer back to it regularly and update it if responsibilities shift during the course of the launch.