Rationale: Evokes the idea of pure, heavenly food that's good for you and the planet. Alliteration makes it catchy.
Rationale: Playful blend of "vegan" and "nosh" (Yiddish for snack). Implies tasty, satisfying vegan meals.
Rationale: Suggests wholesome meals straight from the earth to your table. Easy to remember.
Rationale: Emphasizes the local, seasonal ingredients that are at the root of the meals. Alliteration is memorable.
Rationale: Positions the brand as a purveyor of eco-friendly, sophisticated vegan cuisine.
Rationale: Has a cool, modern feel that could appeal to young urban professionals. Alliteration adds catchiness.
Rationale: Playful name that suggests eating virtuously can earn you good karma. Kale implies health.
Rationale: Positions the brand as an innovative leader in plant-based eating. Easy to visualize.
Rationale: Implies food that's as pure and virtuous as the Garden of Eden. Short and sweet.
Rationale: Suggests the meals will energize you while promoting a balanced, Zen-like lifestyle.
Rationale: Soulful name connecting the local terroir to feeding your body and spirit. Alliteration is ear-catching.
Rationale: Reinforces the 100% plant-based meals. "Bites" suggests tasty, snackable food.
Rationale: Playfully implies food that's grown responsibly and meant to be enjoyed heartily. Alliteration is punchy.
Rationale: Similar to Rooted Recipes. Emphasizes locally-sourced seasonal ingredients.
Rationale: Implies the competitive advantage of a vegan lifestyle. Rhyme makes it stick in your head.
Let me know if you'd like me to riff further on any of these ideas or come up with additional name options! The goal is to find a name that you love and that will help your plant-based meal delivery brand take root and thrive.