Prompt Library UX Research Interview Script

UX Research Interview Script

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Interview questions for parents about managing family schedules.
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UX Research Interview Script: Family Schedule Management


Hi [Name], thanks so much for taking the time to speak with me today. I'm [Your Name], a UX researcher working on tools to help busy families manage their schedules.

The purpose of our discussion is to understand how you currently handle your family's activities and commitments, what works well, and what could be improved. This will help inform the design of new solutions.

Please feel free to share openly - there are no right or wrong answers and everything you say will be kept completely confidential. The interview should take about 45 minutes. Let me know if you have any questions before we begin!


  • Can you start by telling me a bit about your family? (e.g. # of kids, ages, jobs, location)
  • Walk me through a typical week for your family - what activities and commitments do you have?

Current Methods & Tools

  • How do you currently keep track of your family's schedule?
  • What tools or methods do you use? (e.g. paper calendar, digital apps, to-do lists)
  • What do you like about your current approach? What works well?
  • What are the biggest challenges or pain points with managing the family schedule today?

Communication & Coordination

  • How do you coordinate schedules and activities with your partner/spouse?
  • How do you communicate plans and changes to your kids?
  • Describe a time when there was a scheduling mix-up or conflict. What happened and how did you resolve it?
  • What would make it easier to keep everyone on the same page?

Ideal Solution

  • In a perfect world, how would you manage your family's schedule and activities?
  • What features or capabilities would your ideal family management tool have?
  • How would it fit into your life and routine?


  • Any other thoughts or suggestions on how to make family schedule management easier?
  • Thank you so much for your time and insights - this has been really helpful!
  • As a next step, I'll be synthesizing feedback from multiple interviews to identify key needs and opportunities.
  • Please feel free to reach out if you have any other ideas or questions. Thanks again!

Let me know if you would like me to modify this interview script in any way. Happy to refine it further!