Prompt Library Viral Facebook Video Script

Viral Facebook Video Script

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Facebook video script about intermittent fasting benefits
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The Secret to Living Longer and Better: Intermittent Fasting

Video Script

[SCENE 1: Open on a montage of people eating large meals, looking tired and unhealthy. Moody lighting and colors.]

NARRATOR (V.O.): Eating around the clock. Constant snacking. Three big meals a day. Sound familiar?


NARRATOR (V.O.): But what if there was a simple secret to losing weight, improving your brain, and living longer - without giving up your favorite foods?

[SCENE 2: Montage switches to vibrant, uplifting images of healthy, active people intermittent fasting. Brighter colors and lighting.]

NARRATOR (V.O.): Intermittent fasting is the key. By cycling between periods of fasting and eating, you can:

  • Burn fat and lose weight more efficiently
  • Boost brain function and protect against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
  • Reduce inflammation and risk factors for heart disease and diabetes

[SCENE 3: Show simple graphics explaining 16/8 intermittent fasting schedule]

NARRATOR (V.O.): One popular method is 16/8 fasting. You eat within an 8-hour window, say noon to 8PM, then fast for 16 hours overnight. It's that easy.

[SCENE 4: Timelapse of someone intermittent fasting, eating healthy meals within the 8-hour window, staying hydrated, looking energized.]

NARRATOR (V.O.): During the fasting period, your body taps into fat stores for energy. This revs up your metabolism and triggers cellular repair and regeneration.

[SCENE 5: Show before/after transformations, customer testimonials (no audio needed)]

NARRATOR (V.O.): Just look at these amazing transformations. People report better focus, more energy, clearer skin, and a leaner physique - often in a matter of weeks.

[SCENE 6: Call-to-action text on screen: "Try 16/8 Intermittent Fasting For 2 Weeks. Feel the Difference For Yourself."]

NARRATOR (V.O.): So why not give it a try? 16/8 intermittent fasting for just 2 weeks. It costs nothing and the benefits can be life-changing.

[Fade to logo/branding]

NARRATOR (V.O.): Intermittent fasting: the secret to living longer and better. Start today.

Video length: Approx. 1.5-2 minutes Tone: Inspiring, educational, motivating CTA: Try 16/8 intermittent fasting for 2 weeks